You'll get to know a new culture, live temporarily with a friendly host family, make new friends from all over the world and learn a foreign language along the way! Going abroad as an au pair is undoubtedly an exciting adventure!
But you should also think about your health and safety. If you fall ill, someone will have to pay for your treatment. What if you accidentally cause expensive damage to your host family's property? Who pays if you have an accident on your bike? And who do you turn to in an emergency?
Protrip World takes care of all of this: health insurance, liability insurance, accident insurance, luggage insurance, 24-hour emergency call and many other services to protect you.
Would you like to go to Australia as an au pair? Then please take a look at our information on au pair insurance in Australia
What's special about Protrip World?
There are many different travel health insurance policies for au pairs, at very different prices. Why should you choose Protrip World? Protrip World has some unique advantages that only a few comparable insurances offer:
1. Can be purchased after departure
Travel insurance must usually be taken out before you leave. However, you can also take out Protrip World after your trip has already begun. This is useful if you have forgotten to take out insurance. Please note, however, that there is a waiting period in this case.
2. Billing to the exact day
With insurance, it is common for contracts to run on a monthly basis. You have to pay for the whole month, even if you only need the insurance for a few days in that given month. With Protrip World, you pay the premium at the beginning of each month, but if you end your stay abroad in the middle of an (already paid) month and no longer need the insurance, we will refund you the corresponding portion of the monthly premium on the exact day - automatically and without you having to pay any fees.
Of course, you have to let us know the exact date from which you no longer need the insurance. It's quick and easy to do online. Here we explain how to cancel the contract.
3. Expandable to complete protection
Protrip World is a travel health insurance that can be expanded by two different insurance combinations:
1. Protect Standard: Personal liability, accident, baggage and assistance insurance for additional € 6,60 per month
2. Protect Complete: Personal liability and intern liability insurance, accident, baggage and assistance insurance for additional € 11,30 per month
With travel health insurance, you are well protected against costs that may arise due to injury or illness. The Protect Standard supplementary package includes other very important insurance policies, and with Protect Complete you get even better protection with more benefits and higher sums insured. Here are the benefits details.
4. Also covers bodily injury in the host family
As an au pair, you are part of your host parents' family from an insurance perspective. The problem with this is that liability insurance does not normally cover physical injury to members of your own family. This means that if you accidentally injure the host family's child while playing, this is not covered. Protrip World is the exception here. Protrip World also pays for such personal injury, with an unusually high sum insured of 5 million euros (in the Complete package, 1 million euros in the Standard package).
5. Also covers damage to "moveable property"
It is also common for liability insurance to only cover damage to the host family's “immovable property”. This means: things that are permanently installed in the host family's home, e.g. windows or parquet flooring. Damage to “movable property” - i.e. anything that can be carried around - is generally not covered (vases, furniture, laptops, etc.). PROTRIP WORLD liability insurance in the Complete variant covers both immovable and movable property.
6. Free cancellation and early termination
Choose the right contract duration

Protrip World can be concluded for up to 12 months. A normal au pair stay lasts 12 months, but 6 months is also common. Sometimes the stay is terminated prematurely. In other cases, Au pairs often want to stay longer in the host country after the end of their au pair stay. The insurance cover should therefore be flexible in terms of time. This is no problem with Protrip World.
Our tip: Always take out Protrip World for the expected maximum period. If you are not 100% sure how long your stay will last, take out Protrip World for 12 months. Early termination of the contract is possible at any time, completely free of charge and to the day. Any overpayments will be refunded to you free of charge.
Why do we recommend the maximum contract duration?
Theoretically, you could simply take out a second contract after the first one expires. The problem is that this would be a new contract, and pre-existing conditions are excluded from private health insurance.
Example: Suppose you are diagnosed with an allergy for the first time during your au pair year and you need regular medication and treatment. Protrip World would cover this. This would not count as a pre-existing condition because the allergy was only diagnosed during the contract period. However, if you want to stay longer in the host country after the au pair year and you sign a second contract, this allergy will be considered a pre-existing condition and Protrip World will no longer cover the costs.
Define your areas of responsibility together with the host parents
A common reason for problems with au pair stays: Your host parents may not know exactly what does and does not count as part of an au pair's job. Childcare and light housework are usually part of the au pair job - but not washing the car, gardening or spring cleaning. This doesn't mean that you can't wash the car or help with spring cleaning if you want to.
It often happens that the host family has already had au pairs and expects you to take on the same tasks as your predecessors. They may also have carried out tasks that are not actually part of an au pair's duties. Therefore, your tasks should be recorded in writing before the start of your stay, as well as the working hours and the amount of allowance.
Clarify the car situation with the host parents early
Although Protrip World liability insurance also covers damage to the host family's property, it does not cover the use of the car. If one of your tasks is to use the family car to pick up the children from school, remember to clarify the insurance situation with the host parents beforehand.