
PROTRIP-WORLD offers tailor-made insurance combinations. For the corresponding premiums, depending on age, reason for traveling, and region, please refer to the following overviews.

International health insurance for travel region ...

Worldwide without USA and Canada

You travel worldwide but not to the USA or Canada. Here too, the insurance can be taken out before and after departure.

Travel health insurance, valid worldwide without USA and CanadaWith deductible
up to 29 years57,00 €
30-39 years69,00 €
40-49 years87,00 €
50-59 years132,00 €
60-69 years204,00 €

All fees are monthly fees. The deductible amounts to €50 per case.

Worldwide including USA and Canada

You are traveling to the USA or Canada. Again, this tariff can be taken out both before and after leaving the country.

Travel health insurance, valid worldwide without USA and CanadaWith deductible
up to 29 years117,00 €
30-39 years144,00 €
40-49 years189,00 €
50-59 years279,00 €
60-69 years456,00 €

All fees are monthly fees. The deductible amounts to €50 per case.

Educational travelers up to 29 years, booking the insurance before departure

You are planning to use your trip for further education? For example as an au pair, high school student, Work and Travel participant, volunteer, trainee, language and exchange student, student or doctoral student? 

In this case, we can offer you an even better rate. To benefit from this, it is irrelevant if only a part of your trip has an educational purpose. The only requirement is that you are not older than 29 years of age and that you take out the insurance before departure.

Travel health insurance, valid ...With deductible
Europe to Europe29,40 €
Worldwide without USA and Canada38,70 €
Worldwide incl. USA and Canada84,30 €

All fees are monthly fees. The deductible amounts to €50 per case.

Useful Supplements

For all travelers

Protect Standard
(Personal liability, accident, baggage and assistance insurance)

All fees are monthly fees. The deductible amounts to €50 per case.

Especially for educational travelers

Protect Standard
(Personal liability, accident, baggage and assistance insurance)
Protect Complete
(Personal liability and intern liability insurance, accident, baggage and assistance insurance)

All fees are monthly fees. The deductible amounts to €50 per case.

Both packages only differ in the extent of the liability insurance. The Protect Complete for example covers against risks during an internship if it is part of studies or of an Erasmus Plus program. The exact differences can be found in the detailed list of benefits

PROTRIP-WORLD is more than a travel health insurance. 

By buying one of the additional insurance packages consisting of accident, liability, baggage and assistance insurance, you will get comprehensive insurance cover. 

Europe within the meaning of this policy

Europe within the meaning of this policy includes all EU countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland, Andorra, Monaco, San Marino, Vatican City as well as the Canary Islands, the Azores and Madeira. All other European overseas territories are excluded.

The following 27 countries are currently member of the European Union (EU): Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus (Republic of Cyprus), Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden.

Elements of the premium

PROTRIP-WORLD is a group contract solution consisting of one or several legally independent insurance contracts. PROTRIP-WORLD provides insurance cover during trips abroad for members of the LAC Living Abroad Community e. V. (LAC) and for participants of affiliate partner companies and organizations. Upon your signature of the contract, you will receive a certificate of enrollment that will provide you with information on insured persons and range of services.

The monthly premium consists of the LAC membership fee (€0.01/day), health insurance premium and - if chosen - an additional combination of liability/accident insurance premium, assistance insurance premium and baggage insurance premium.

The premium for the supplement packages consist of €3.00 for the combination of liability and accident insurance, €1.50 for the assistance insurance, €2.10 for the baggage insurance and, if chosen, €4.70 for the liability plus insurance.

Payment details

The premium for this policy is to be paid at the conclusion of the insurance contract for the entire term of the insurance. You can choose from the following payment options:

  • credit card: 
    Maestro, Mastercard, Visa, American Express, Diners, Discover or Bancontact 
  • SEPA Direct Debit
  • online payment system: 
    eps, Apple Pay, SOFORT Überweisung, iDEAL or PayPal.

The premium for this policy depends on the duration of the trip. Should you return early from your stay abroad, a phone call or an email is sufficient. We will then calculate your exact premium depending on the number of days you stayed abroad. You only need to pay for the actual insurance period. No service fee will be charged for reimbursement.

For countries in the euro-zone:
Where the term of insurance exceeds one month, you can also pay in monthly installments via SEPA Direct Debit. The first installment becomes due at the start of insurance, the subsequent installments at the start of each following month.