Important phone numbers

If you have any questions, feel free to contact DR-WALTER. In case of urgent medical emergencies and if you need our assistance services, you can also call our 24-hour emergency number.


Mon-Fri: 8 am to 6 pm

+49 2247 9194-31

Worldwide without USA and Canada

24-hour emergency number for urgent medical emergencies

+49 2247 922 50-14

USA and Canada

for urgent medical emergencies



Additional assistance services

24-hour emergency number for urgent assistance service:

+49 89 55 987-641

Please also read our section What to do in an emergency

Information for travelers to the USA and Canada

When you travel to the USA and to Canada, please contact our partner Global Excel in Canada for advice and support – if possible prior to a medical treatment (24-hour emergency number). The staff of Global Excel will help you to choose the right doctor or hospital, will explain all the billing details and can take care of direct billing with doctors and hospitals.

You can call Global Excel 24/7 in the USA and in Canada at +1-877-835-6243 (toll-free).

Toll-free number in the event of an illness in the USA and Canada: +1-877-835-6243