Assistance Insurance

Protrip World can be taken out as a combination of travel health, accident, baggage, assistance and personal liability insurance.

You can find more information about assistance insurance on this page.

Assistance Insurance benefits

- if selected -

If chosen, assistance insurance includes the following benefits:

I. Assistance in case of loss of travel funds

Where the insured person finds himself/herself in a financial emergency during a trip abroad as a result of theft, robbery or other loss of his/her travel funds, the insurer will establish contact to the insured person’s main bank. If contacting the main bank is not successful within 24 hours after the working day following the notice of claim, the insured person can take out a loan with the insurer up to €1,600 per insured event.


Loan payment will only be made on submission of a written unconditional letter of commitment of the insured person to the insurer to pay back the loan at the latest 30 days after receiving it.


Any loss in case of a suspected criminal act must be reported immediately to the responsible police department; the insured person needs to have his/her notification confirmed by the police. In any case, inquiries need to be made with and confirmed by the lost property office.


II. Assistance in case of loss of travel documents

Where the insured person finds himself / herself in an emergency situation during a trip abroad as a result of theft, robbery or other loss of his / her travel documents, the insurer will provide him/her with information about the responsible authorities and documents required to issue the necessary replacement documents for finishing the trip.


The insurer will reimburse the costs for obtaining the replacement documents required abroad to finish the trip. Any costs incurred by issuing replacement documents after the end of the trip are not covered.


Any loss in case of a suspected criminal act must be reported immediately to the responsible police department; the insured person needs to have his/her notification confirmed by the police. In any case, inquiries need to be made with and confirmed by the lost property office.


III. Assistance in case of criminal prosecution

Where the insured person is arrested or threatened to be arrested, the insurer will provide help in finding a lawyer and an interpreter.


The insured person can take out a loan with the insurer of up to €12,000 for the payment of court, lawyer and interpreter fees or for the payment of a bail.


Loan payment will only be made on submission of a written unconditional letter of commitment of the insured person to the insurer to pay back the loan at the latest 30 days after receiving it.


IV. Return trip in case of an emergency

In the event of death, severe injury or unexpected serious illness of a relative, the insurer will organize the return trip from abroad and reimburse the additional expenses for travelling by train or plane (economy class). Relatives of the insured person according to the policy are spouses, children, parents, partners (cohabitation), life partners (in accordance with Law on Civil Partnership (LPartG)), stepparents, stepchildren, grandparents, grandchildren, siblings, parents-in-law, children-in-law, brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law.


In the event of damage to property of the insured person as a result of fire, acts of god or criminal acts of a third party, the insurer will organize the return trip from abroad and reimburse the additional expenses for travelling by train or plane (economy class). Precondition for the payment of the claim: the damage is substantial with regard to the financial situation and personal assets of the damaged party or the presence of the insured person is required for damage assessment.


Travel services that were not made use of will not be reimbursed. For every insurance year, the insurer will provide payment for a maximum of two insured events of this kind.


V. Arrival of a person in a position of trust in case of an emergency

Where the insured person undergoes inpatient treatment for more than five days during a trip abroad due to severe injuries as a result of an accident or due to unexpected serious illness, the insurer will, at the request of the insured person, organize the arrival and departure of a person in a position of trust to the hospital and from there back to his/her home; the insurer will further pay his/her travel expenses by train or plane (economy class) as well as the costs for simple accommodation. Benefits are paid per insured event up to a maximum amount of €4,000.


You will find a full description of benefits and benefit exclusions in the General Insurance Conditions

Exclusion of benefits – the facts

No insurance cover is provided for damages:

  • intentionally caused by the insured person
  • caused by the insured person as a result of an intentional criminal act or the intentional attempt of committing a criminal act

Assistance Insurance does not cover:

  • Illnesses as a psychological reaction to war, unrest, an act of terror, a plane crash or the fear of war, unrest or acts of terror.
  • Chronic mental illnesses, also if they occur in phases, and addiction.

You will find the detailed terms and conditions in the Assistance Insurance Conditions

All-round protection for little money

Assistance insurance is part of the Protrip World insurance package, consisting of

  • Travel health insurance
  • Accident insurance
  • Baggage insurance
  • Assistance insurance
  • Liability insurance Standard or Liability insurance Complete


Everything you need to know about the requirements, who the insurance is suitable for, start, end and waiting period at Protrip World.

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Comprehensive protection at a low price. With Protrip World, you only pay for exactly what you need.

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T.: +49 2247 9194-977

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